Individ och företagssanpassade program


Tel: 08 586 175 60


Handelshögskolan i Stockholm Executive Education

Tel: 08-586 175 00


This program enables you to develop an understanding of the underlying logics, values and goals that characterize your organization.

The running theme throughout the program is how to build a great career while understanding and securing a long-term commitment and, at the same time, supporting a shared vision and purpose capable at steering the organization’s long-term strategic direction.

Optimizing understanding and support for the owner-family’s priorities and preferences while simultaneously safeguarding and promoting the business’ best interests in a competitive landscape is a key part of this approach.

Focus areas:

  • Understand the unique characteristics, challenges, and opportunities facing family enterprises, family offices and entrepreneurial firms.
  • Identify the difference between a professional or executive from the owner-family and a non-family professional or advisor.
  • Define clear roles, responsibilities, and reporting structures for professionals and executives.
  • Explore the classic pitfalls for external executives, non-family professionals and advisors, and understand the best way to help balance owners’ and the business’ goals.
  • Understand how to increase professional effectiveness, achieve fair compensation, and build a long-term career plan.

Interested in learning more about the program? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or download the program brochure using the form below.

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Mer om programmets innehåll, praktiska detaljer och vårt sätt att se på executive education (pdf).