Webbinarium – Strategic Reorientation: Looking Beyond the Crisis
The toughest challenge is not to survive the current crisis, but to come out on the other side in good shape. It requires that we start thinking and talking about the future, so that we can act and take the initiative. How will customer demand change? What happens to global supply chains? What will technology development bring to the table? These and other questions need to be addressed.
It is hard to know what to expect next. But we can anticipate and prepare for what is to come, by using approaches and methods we already know.
The webinar focuses on the strategic approaches to change. It aims to give you tools and inspiration for starting to look beyond the crisis.
– We will start by addressing trends likely to have impact also after the current crisis, as well as pitfalls in the current debate
– We will continue with tools for thought on the long-term and the big picture
– We will have a discussion and knowledge-sharing on the topic
This webinar is led by Mattias Axelson, Affiliated Researcher at Stockholm School of Economics, House of Innovation.
Duration: 30 minutes