Flavio Gabossi has worked as an international consultant and trainer for more than 20 years in value creation and corporate finance, business development and growth, value proposition strategy and revenue management. Flavio has been engaged in projects by medium to large corporations, in industry and the service sectors, in numerous countries in Europe, the Americas, and Asia. He has completed business studies in Italy, Sweden, and the United States.
Main subject area
Corporate finance, Business strategy and Profitable growth, Value proposition and Marketing, Management, International business, Entrepreneurship, Non-organic growth (Mergers and Acquisitions).
Areas of special interest
Interaction between Strategy-Marketing/Revenue Management-Value Creation, Corporate finance, Cash management, Asset pricing, Business growth/Business models, Competitive strategy, Venture opportunities, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise risk management, International development and presence, Sales and channel management, Global pricing, Customers value management, Management of innovation and R&D, Performance management.
Current programs
Custom programs (including consortium programs)
Academic degree
Finance and Business Administration, MBA
Sustainable profitable growth, Value for customers, Value for shareholders, Operational excellence, Interaction, Practical orientation, Execution, Real cases and simulations, International perspective