What led you to do the Executive Management Program for the Public Sector?

“As the Head of public transport, I’m responsible for all public transport in the county of Örebro operated under the Länstrafiken brand, including bus, train, and medical- and service-related traffic. I usually describe my role as greasing people’s and processes’ wheels to eliminate excess squeaking! I make sure that my area works and that political decisions can be implemented, but it’s the managers and employees under me who have actual operational responsibility. I’ve been a manager for many years now, so I’ve already completed several management training courses, but in my current role, I was looking for a more advanced program that would help me develop the complex leadership skills needed to run a large public sector organization.”

What was it about the program that appealed to you?

“It’s pitched at the right level for senior managers in the public sector and it felt like an opportunity to build my leadership skills in a way that would prepare me to progress my career. It’s also an up-to-date program that is modified in line with the sort of topical issues that public sector managers need to be able to address. What made the program even more interesting for me, personally, was that my own manager had done it too.”

It’s a comprehensive program. What is it about the program, in your opinion, that makes it worth investing that sort of time?

“From a senior manager’s viewpoint, it’s hugely beneficial, as is the opportunity to work on yourself at a level that feels motivational. If you’re at the level at which the program is aimed, you’ll already know a great deal about being a manager, about how to handle different types of conversations and discussions, and so on, but this program enhances your ability to handle more complex issues and is genuinely developmental for more senior public sector managers. The structure is good too – a residential course in a pleasant environment allows you to really concentrate on the program and your assignments.”

What’s your opinion of the program in more general terms?

“I viewed it as a relaxing oasis with a built-in intensive program. I made sure that I was totally disconnected from my everyday life during the recurring three-day periods, which meant I was able to focus fully on the program. I appreciated the mixture of lectures, walk-and-talk sessions, and group work on your individual assignments. The program gave us the opportunity to make rapid use of the things we had discussed. The participant group was also very well balanced and the interaction between the group members was productive. The lectures covered a wide range of subjects, many of which had been chosen to highlight current topical issues, such as increasing gang criminality.”

What has the program meant for you?

“It’s given me several things. My increased self-awareness means I’m more secure in and have greater confidence in my leadership skills, and I gained valuable insights from having the opportunity to discuss different dilemmas with others in similar positions outside my own organization. The program also gave me a solid knowledge base when it comes to the ways in which society and the public sector have developed over the years, which is useful when handling new developmental evolutions and trends. On top of that, the fact that the group comprised managers from national, municipal, and regional authorities countrywide has given me a new understanding of different aspects of both society and the public sector – and of the system as a whole.”

The program gave you access to a network. Are you still finding that beneficial?

“Very much so, and our working group members have remained in contact and continue to exchange experiences with one another, even though the program has now ended. It’s a definite plus being able to discuss complex issues with other managers on your level, but outside your own organization, by falling back on the network that grew out of that group. We’re in regular contact once a quarter or so, and we had a face to face study trip meeting approximately one year after the course – a meeting that also saw us bring a range of dilemmas with us so we could provide feedback for one another. The discussions are ongoing!”




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Contact me

Kari Anne Gransäter

Account Manager

Phone: +46 8 586 174 37
