5+ potential effects of executive education
How can a few days of training change your life? Executive education is all about longer educational programs or courses for middle managers and business executives at the mid-point of their career. Some programs focus on sharpening one or more of an executive’s tools in areas such as leadership, strategy and finance. The Executive General Management Program and Executive MBA, on the other hand, provide a broader understanding of corporate leadership. There are many advantages to enrolling in a longer educational program with a certain regularity. Below are some of the effects you can expect from a program in executive education.
Organizational development
On an effective course, you can tackle real challenges as part of the curriculum. Concrete challenges provide the best fuel for development. By taking responsibility for and focusing on a real case, you also increase your personal engagement, which in turn improves the chances of success.
Personal development
Executive education poses not only professional challenges but also associated personal challenges. These may involve making yourself stronger and more secure in your role so that you can manage organizational change. They may also involve stocking up on tools and frameworks in relevant areas such as finance and control.
Knowledge acquisition
The pursuit of knowledge is a challenge in itself, in a world of increasing complexity, enormous availability of information and fast paced developments. Knowledge quickly becomes outdated and you have to be nimble in navigating your way through to the relevant knowledge – to learn the right things and to create the conditions for lifelong learning.
Career development
Career development can be about preparing yourself for an upward move, but it can also be about moving laterally or into a specialist role. With today’s rapid pace of change, we need to regularly re-assess our own development, our strengths, skills, goals, networks and so on, in order to make active choices about our own working situation.
A strong network brings multiple benefits. Participants, program directors and lecturers can all feed their own particular input into the network. Build strategic networks when you don’t need them, so you have them in place for when you do. Then help each other to move yourselves, your teams and your organizations forward.
We’re always happy when a former participant tells us that they are going to recommend our programs to close friends and colleagues. But the biggest reward is when they tell us how self-confident and determined to make a difference they are, when they return to work on Monday morning – that’s yet another effect of executive education.
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Original text: Carl Klingborg
Graphics: Emma Duong
Reviewer: Peter Myhrström
Editor: Henrik Ekequist