“We understand that many lawyers and legal professionals feel the need to have in-depth knowledge of corporate finance, capital structures and valuation. This is something that’s not part of the legal training, yet many lawyers are deeply involved in related issues in their daily work. That’s why, in dialogue with a number of law firms, we have developed this program,” says Bo Becker.

Becker is a professor at the Stockholm School of Economics and heads the new Corporate Finance for Lawyers program along with professor Per Strömberg.

“Our aim is threefold: to develop an accurate understanding of key financial concepts, to be an intelligent consumer of financial analysis and to develop assessments in terms of valuation and capital structure. The material is intended to be immediately useful to lawyers and business lawyers in their daily work,” says Becker.


Bo Becker Bo Becker is a professor at the Department of Financial Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics. Professor Becker holds a master’s degree from the Stockholm School of Economics and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. He has previously taught at the University of Illinois and Harvard Business School. He conducts research on corporate credit markets, insolvency and credit rating agencies.



Per StrombergPer Strömberg is Jubilee Professor in financial economics at the Stockholm School of Economics with a focus on venture capital. Professor Strömberg holds a master’s degree from the Stockholm School of Economics and a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University. He is Chairman of the Committee for Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. He conducts research on topics including corporate governance, corporate bankruptcies and private equity.