Magnus Mähring

  • The Erling Persson Professor of Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE).
  • Fellow at Cambridge Digital Innovation, Cambridge University.
  • Formerly on the Swedish Government’s Committee for Digital Investments.
  • On the jury for the Swedish Chief Information Officer of the Year Awards
  • Served in a range of leadership roles at SSE, especially related to internationalization
  • Held visiting positions at Georgia State University and Ecole de Management Strasbourg
  • Magnus received his PhD from SSE

Key Words

Digital Innovation, Transformation Processes, AI in the workplace


Areas of Expertise

  • Digital innovation and transformation: How are organizations and their environments reshaped with and by digital technologies? How can firms accelerate innovation efforts enabled by digital technologies?
  • Innovation ecosystems: What are the new ways in which firms co-create innovations that move beyond their separate capabilities?
  • Digitalization in the public sector: How do public institutions pursue and manage digital innovation and transformation, and how does this change their work and the relationship with citizens?
  • AI and organizational transformation: How does AI use and AI governance change the way organizations change?

Teaching & Outreach

  • Extensive teaching at Bachelor, Master, Doctoral and Executive levels
  • Digital transformation, Digital innovation, Innovation
    and project governance
  • Project-based teaching/facilitation
  • Process and Advisory Consulting

